Wednesday, August 6, 2008

NYC DEP Wants Ban on Marcellus Drilling in Certain Areas

If New York City's Department of Environmental Protection gets its way, 500,000 acres in the city's watershed would be off limits to Marcellus development. The request includes banning drilling in a one mile perimeter around the city's Catskill reservoirs and all infrastructure. Other requests that will impede development throughout the watershed are:

-Development of a new working group to develop permit conditions comprised of members from the DEP, DEC, NYS Dept of Health, US EPA,and watershed and environmental groups.

-That the DEC consult the DEP when reviewing permit applications and incorporate DEP concerns into an enforceable DEC permit.

-Add another level of review allowing public review and comment to the DEC's well permitting environmental assessment form (EAF).

-Assurance that permits from the NYS Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System SPDES are required.

-Affirmation that natural gas exploration and extraction are subject to NYC Watershed Rules and Regulations.

Full Story at
NYC DEP Letter at
Watershed Map