Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Steak and the Sizzle

How'd you like to be sitting on 161,000 acres of Marcellus and not have to call it the "steak" in your story. It's just a little "sizzle". That's the way CNX Gas looks at things. The company's success in drilling coal bed methane horizontals is leading up to 100 bcf of production in 2010.....without even a sizzle of Marcellus.

Full News Story at http://www.observer-reporter.com/OR/Story/07-14-CNX-GAS-DRILLING-PRGRAM-w-PIX---MON-BIZ

Investor Presentation at http://library.corporate-ir.net/library/19/193/193034/items/299248/CXG2008July.pdf